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What is Blockchain Technology and Its Potential Applications

by | Feb 10, 2023 | Cryptocurrencies | 0 comments

Blockchain technology is unparalleled in its transparency when it comes to sharing sensitive company data. As the name implies, a blockchain database keeps track of information in sequential blocks. You can’t remove links from the chain or alter the data in any way without the agreement of all nodes in the network, so the information is always kept in order. For this reason, a blockchain-based immutable ledger can be created to record and verify financial and other business dealings such as purchases, invoices, and account balances. The system is designed to prevent unauthorized transactions from being entered and ensure everyone has the same accurate information.

How Does a Blockchain Work?

The purpose of blockchain technology is to create a distributed ledger that cannot be altered once it has been recorded. A blockchain lays the groundwork for immutable ledgers, databases that store transaction records that cannot be modified, erased, or destroyed. That’s why people might refer to blockchains as “distributed ledger technology” (DLT).

Three types of blockchain

  • Public blockchain.
    One definition of a public blockchain network is that it does not require any unique permissive permission currencies, generally implemented on a public blockchain governed by rules or consensus algorithms.
  • Permissioned or private blockchain.
    Permissioned blockchain, as used here, is shorthand for Oracle’s Blockchain Platform. Permissioned blockchains allow businesses to control who can see private data. Restricted information will be inaccessible to users without the proper permissions.
  • Federated or consortium blockchain.
    A blockchain network where a handful of nodes or stakeholders have a complete say over the network’s mining and consensus mechanisms is called a permission blockchain.

How do different industries use blockchain?

Due to the widespread availability of the internet, the costs associated with storing, processing, and disseminating information have decreased. And the price of verification has already begun to drop thanks to blockchains.

Blockchain technology has the potential to disrupt numerous markets, similar to the introduction of personal computers and the Internet.


The financial sector is primarily responsible for recording, transferring, and investing capital. Financial institutions, telecommunications firms, and investment management firms are all examples of service providers. Central banks, credit rating agencies, and stock exchanges are all examples of infrastructure providers.

Blockchain technology makes it possible to provide monetary services with less bureaucracy and reliance on conventional banking institutions, all while maintaining data confidentiality and decreasing service fees. Take Aave, a popular Ethereum-based dApp (decentralized application). Use this service if you want to borrow cryptocurrency and receive interest payments. Users can either lend tokens from a liquidity pool or borrow tickets from other users in exchange for interest payments.


Health care

Nowadays, health care is primarily an information industry. Caregivers who need access to patient’s medical histories must have secure ways to access and keep confidential that information.

As an example of how blockchains can reduce the trade-off between access and confidentiality, consider how Estonia verifies the integrity of its medical records using a private blockchain. The Estonian healthcare system stores all requests and information entered by both doctors and patients. This massive log set is routinely backed up and hashed.

For even a single record change, an attacker must go through every block in the blockchain (this is practically infeasible). Logs are practically hack-proof and can be kept up-to-date with minimal effort and expense.


Supply chain

Supply chain management systems coordinate the transport of goods across industries and national boundaries. The constant competitive pressure to reduce logistics costs makes supply chain flexibility crucial.

Unfortunately, the proliferation of mediators in supply chains makes it often impossible to determine the precise production location. In healthcare, as in any other field, there is a tension between information availability and data security.

Things would turn out better if blockchain or distributed ledger technology were implemented. One such example is IBM’s Food Trust. The Food Trust’s data is immutable and can be searched instantly, thanks to blockchain verification.



The video game market is now big enough to challenge more traditional forms of media consumption. Business-wise, massively multiplayer online games (MMOs) have a much brighter future than their single-player counterparts, thanks to the strength of network effects. If more people are playing a massively multiplayer online game, there are more people for new players to team up with and compete against.

Blockchain technology underpins the XAYA platform, enabling safe P2P transactions between users. This proto-free free trading of items between games. When everyone is happy, they put the things in a “trade proposal box” and use cryptography to seal the deal. Afterward, the agreement is written into an unchangeable digital ledger.


Real estate

Due to ownership constraints and low asset turnover, the commercial and residential real estate market needs to be more robust. Standard real estate securitization is typically conducted through investment trusts (REITs) (REITs). However, blockchain technology has enabled a third choice: property tokenization.

Tokenization necessitates the participation of government agencies because blockchain technology cannot verify the actual ownership of an asset. After getting the necessary permits to tokenize a property, service providers act as brokers on blockchain token sales. When an investment generates a return, the token holders are entitled to a cut of the operational margins, which could include rents.



Developing a state-of-the-art voting system may largely depend on blockchain technology, as previously discussed. Midterm elections in West Virginia in November 2018 showed that voting via blockchain could decrease election fraud and boost voter turnout. 5 If blockchain were used this way, vote rigging would be complicated. The blockchain protocol would ensure transparent and fair elections while also reducing the need for workers on election day and allowing officials to see preliminary tally results almost instantly. This would eliminate the need for recounts and the possibility of electoral fraud.

What a Blockchain Is and How It Works, Using Bitcoin as an Example

According to the Bitcoin protocol, adding a transaction to the distributed ledger involves several steps. Because of its design, the protocol doesn’t require a centralized authority to operate, and it can keep going even if some of its parts temporarily stop working.

The steps to take are as follows:

  1. A purchase or sale of an asset is recorded in the blockchain.

A Bitcoin transaction must be started and verified by the person sending the Bitcoin. The sender, the recipient, and the total amount exchanged are all detailed. Using the sender’s private key, the transaction is signed. Then, the operators of all participating nodes are informed of this trade via a peer-to-peer network. When broadcasting, best-effort delivery to all nodes is not required. 

  1. The network has confirmed the event or transaction as having taken place.

The operators of nodes receive the transactions. For each transaction, they must verify the following: The transaction has been signed using the private key of the purported sender. This can be done with the sender’s public key.

Because the sender has enough money on hand, the transfer can go through.

If the transaction does not conform to these parameters, the node operator will reject it. If this node confirms the transaction even though it is invalid, other nodes are not obligated to include it in their blockchain. The network will be safe to use as long as most of the computing power belongs to nodes that play by the rules.


  1. Create a new block for the event or dialogue

The network’s nodes collect and aggregate transactions into blocks (for Bitcoin, about 2,800 transactions per block). Due to the high volume of transactions, node operators can choose which ones to include in the current block.

Nodes are not obligated to include a transaction and may choose to do so for whatever reason they see fit, but they do so because they stand to profit from doing so. Senders can choose to pay more for expedited service, which will increase this fee based on the specifics of the transaction.


  1. The stumbling block appears

Once all nodes have included the new block in their blockchains, the block is considered valid by the network. Miners implicitly accept the newly added block by looking for a nonce to a partnership that includes the newly added block as a parent. When a miner finds the nonce for a block, the network receives a confirmation message saying the block is valid.

Notable Blockchains


There is a theoretically limitless number of possible ways to define a blockchain, and even more, definitions may appear in the future. However, a select few blockchains have earned a seat at the table of blockchain’s earliest and most influential projects due to factors such as their pioneering spirit, innovative approach, or market value. They are:




As the first distributed ledger to be made available to the general public, Bitcoin is the most valuable cryptocurrency. Its primary function is a distributed ledger recording Bitcoin (its native currency) transactions.




Blocks in an Ethereum blockchain can have executable code, which is then carried out by the nodes in the network. The Ethereum blockchain allows for code to be posted and executed both at the time of posting and in response to subsequent calls.

These kinds of applications are usually referred to as distributed applications (dApps). For instance, dApps can handle complex transactions that need to be approved by many users or even by user voting.

Users can trade their tokens for cryptocurrencies like Ethereum’s native token (ETH) or Bitcoin through the popular decentralized application (DApp) protocol Uniswap. Similarly, Polymarket is an online marketplace where users can place bets on the results of future events and collect their winnings after the fact.




As double spending and other forms of fraud become more challenging to pull off in a slower network, the speed with which a public blockchain can reach consensus is often compromised in favor of security. Solana improves the conditions for this give-and-take by prioritizing time synchronization. Therefore, Solana transactions can be processed much faster than Bitcoin and Ethereum transactions.

Blockchain technologies like Bitcoin and Ethereum can add an additional layer of code, known as L2 protocols, to expedite the processing of transactions. Solana is a Level 1 solution because it does not require Level 2 protocols to process transactions quickly.




The blockchain is a distributed ledger that cannot be hacked or deleted once created. The severe problem is that only a tiny amount of information is stored on a distributed ledger. Think about the dollar’s and the euro’s relative value.

A new business venture called Chainlink has proposed creating a marketplace for data sources to fix this problem. The Chainlink protocol rewards oracles for their speed and accuracy and requires them to stake tokens that can be revoked if they provide false information.




Dogecoin was created as a joke about the blockchain technology it employs. It took the author “like 2 hours” to finish.


Exactly how is Bitcoin different from blockchain technology?


Blockchain technology’s benefits extend far beyond Bitcoin, despite widespread belief otherwise. Many falsely believe that bitcoin and the blockchain are the same. Because Bitcoin was an early application of blockchain technology, it needed a more accurate name.

Bitcoins are a form of virtual currency initially created for online transactions. Still, they can now be traded for US dollars, Euros, or nearly any other currency in the world. Bitcoin is a digital currency that operates with no central bank or government. A public blockchain network, like Bitcoin, uses, builds, and maintains the primary ledger.


Bitcoin’s Infrastructure


A public ledger of all Bitcoin transactions exists on computers worldwide. There are many parallels between a server and a bank in its operations. Whereas banks only keep track of the money their customers exchange among themselves, Bitcoin servers keep track of every Bitcoin transaction that has ever taken place.

In this system, any user with access to a spare computer can set up their own “node,” which acts as a server. A Bitcoin bank is an alternative to a traditional bank account.


Gathering Bitcoins Through Mining


To “mine” Bitcoin, participants in the public Bitcoin network must work together to solve cryptographic equations before they can add new blocks to the blockchain. A new transaction is automatically broadcast to the network and replicated to all nodes. Miners add a new block to the blockchain every ten minutes, containing all confirmed transactions since the last one. The blockchain is Bitcoin’s final ledger.

Due to the complexity of the software, mining requires a lot of CPU time and storage space. The incentive for miners is a small piece of the total cryptocurrency supply. When it comes to keeping track of transactions and calculating fees, the miners serve a similar purpose to modern clerks.

Thanks to blockchain cryptography, all nodes in the network agree on who owns what coins.


What is the precise distinction between a blockchain and a database?

There are many benefits to using blockchain technology over traditional database management systems. Below, we contrast a blockchain with a conventional database and list some key differences.

Blockchains allow for the decentralized, secure storage and sharing of previously trusted data. You won’t find a database management system that can match this level of functionality anywhere else.

During a merger or acquisition, companies cannot give their competitors access to their complete database. Blockchain networks, however, ensure that every company has its copy of the ledger and that the two documents are kept in sync without human intervention.

In contrast to conventional DBMSs, Blockchain only permits data insertion.

How does blockchain storage function differently than cloud storage?

When people talk about the “cloud,” they refer to online data storage and processing services. You can get any kind of program or hardware from the internet nowadays. In the cloud, service providers manage their hardware and infrastructure so that you can access their processing power over the internet. Not only do they provide tools for managing databases, but they provide a wide variety of other valuable resources as well. If you want to participate in a public blockchain, you’ll need to use your own hardware resources to maintain a duplicate of your ledger. Additionally, you could utilize a cloud-based server for this purpose. Some cloud services offer complete Blockchain as a Service (BaaS).

Exactly how is Bitcoin different from blockchain technology?


Blockchain technology’s benefits extend far beyond Bitcoin, despite widespread belief otherwise. Many falsely believe that bitcoin and the blockchain are the same. Because Bitcoin was an early application of blockchain technology, it needed a more accurate name.

Bitcoins are a form of virtual currency initially created for online transactions. Still, they can now be traded for US dollars, Euros, or nearly any other currency in the world. Bitcoin is a digital currency that operates with no central bank or government. A public blockchain network, like Bitcoin, uses, builds, and maintains the primary ledger.


Bitcoin’s Infrastructure


A public ledger of all Bitcoin transactions exists on computers worldwide. There are many parallels between a server and a bank in its operations. Whereas banks only keep track of the money their customers exchange among themselves, Bitcoin servers keep track of every Bitcoin transaction that has ever taken place.

In this system, any user with access to a spare computer can set up their own “node,” which acts as a server. A Bitcoin bank is an alternative to a traditional bank account.


Gathering Bitcoins Through Mining


To “mine” Bitcoin, participants in the public Bitcoin network must work together to solve cryptographic equations before they can add new blocks to the blockchain. A new transaction is automatically broadcast to the network and replicated to all nodes. Miners add a new block to the blockchain every ten minutes, containing all confirmed transactions since the last one. The blockchain is Bitcoin’s final ledger.

Due to the complexity of the software, mining requires a lot of CPU time and storage space. The incentive for miners is a small piece of the total cryptocurrency supply. When it comes to keeping track of transactions and calculating fees, the miners serve a similar purpose to modern clerks.

Thanks to blockchain cryptography, all nodes in the network agree on who owns what coins.


Blockchain as a service? What does that even mean?

Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) is a managed blockchain service provided by a third party in the cloud. To develop blockchain-based apps and digital services, your cloud service provider will furnish the required hardware and software. Since implementing blockchain solutions only requires minor adjustments to the current blockchain infrastructure, doing so is a simple and efficient process.