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What Happens to Bitcoin After All 21 million Are Mined?

Bitcoin is a digital currency that utilizes a distributed network without a central authority. Unlike traditional currencies, the supply of Bitcoin is finite and limited to 21 million coins. Currently, more than 18.7 million Bitcoins have been mined, leaving only 2.3 million left to be mined. What happens to crypto investors if Bitcoin is mined, after all, 21 million? In this blog, I will explore the potential impact on the Bitcoin ecosystem, including the role of transaction fees and the market value of Bitcoin.

How long will it take to mine 21 million Bitcoin?

The mining of 21 million Bitcoin is expected to take approximately 120 years, given the current mining rate and how the Bitcoin protocol is designed. The creation of new Bitcoins is regulated by the protocol, which releases a fixed amount of new Bitcoins every 10 minutes through mining.

Miners compete to solve complex mathematical equations to examine new transactions and incorporate them into the blockchain. Additional miners are added to the network, and the difficulty of these equations increases. It may slow down the rate at which new Bitcoins are created. 6.25 BTC is the current compensation for mining a block. Halved every 210,000 blocks or approximately every four years.

As of April 2023, around 18.9 million Bitcoins have been mined, leaving approximately 2.1 million Bitcoins left to be mined. Given the current mining rate and decreasing rewards, it is expected to take another 100 years to mine the remaining 2.1 million Bitcoins. However, it is gestational to note that this estimation is subject to change due to changes in mining difficulty and the rate at which new miners join the network.

How are 21 million Bitcoins calculated?

The total supply of Bitcoin is limited to 21 million coins, a key feature of the cryptocurrency. This limit was built into the Bitcoin protocol by its mysterious creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, and is enforced by the consensus rules of the decentralized network.

The calculation of 21 million Bitcoins is based on the algorithm used in Bitcoin mining. It involves solving complex mathematical problems to build new blocks and verify transactions on the blockchain. The algorithm is designed to reward miners with new Bitcoins for their computational work, and the reward is programmed to decrease over time.

50 Bitcoins were awarded for mining a block. But this halved every 210,000 blocks or approximately every four years. The reward is 6.25 Bitcoins per block, and the final block with a reward is estimated to be mined in the year 2140. The total supply of Bitcoin will have reached 21 million, and no new Bitcoins will be created.

How many Bitcoins are left to reach 21 million coins?

Bitcoin supply is limited to a total of 21 million coins, of which approximately 18.7 million have already been mined as of April 2023. The remaining 2.3 million Bitcoins will be gradually released until 2140 when the last Bitcoin is expected to be mined.

Once all 21 million Bitcoins have been mined, the Bitcoin network will continue to operate as usual, with transactions processed and verified by miners who will receive transaction fees as incentives instead of new Bitcoins. This transition from mining rewards to transaction fees is expected to occur gradually, with mining rewards decreasing over time until they are phased out completely.

The limited supply of Bitcoin is one of its defining features and is often cited as a reason for its potential long-term value. As the demand for Bitcoin increases and the supply becomes scarcer, the price of Bitcoin may continue to rise, although this is subject to market volatility and fluctuations.

Why is the total amount of bitcoins that can be mined just 21 million?

The total amount of bitcoins that can be mined is limited to 21 million. Firstly, it was a deliberate decision made by Bitcoin’s creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, to prevent inflation and maintain scarcity, which gives Bitcoin its value as a store of wealth. Limiting the supply of Bitcoin ensures that its value is not diluted by an unlimited supply of coins being created.

The Bitcoin network operates on a set of rules and protocols that dictate the rate of new coin creation, which decreases over time. This is known as the “halving” event, where the block reward for mining new coins is reduced by half every four years until it eventually reaches zero. This creates a predictable and finite supply of Bitcoin, which increases its value over time.

The 21 million caps on the total number of bitcoins ensure that the system can maintain a secure and stable network. The limited supply prevents excessive mining and potential network disruptions.

What will Bitcoin miners do when all the Bitcoin has been mined?

Bitcoin mining is a crucial aspect of the cryptocurrency’s ecosystem, as miners process transactions and create new Bitcoins. However, the total number of Bitcoins that can be mined is limited to 21 million, with over 18 million already in circulation. This has raised concerns about the future of mining when all Bitcoins have been mined.

Once every Bitcoin has been mined, miners will no longer receive block rewards for processing transactions, as the supply of new Bitcoins will have been exhausted. However, they will still earn transaction fees, which users pay to prioritize their transactions. Therefore, miners will continue to be incentivized to validate transactions and maintain the network.

Additionally, some miners may shift their focus to other cryptocurrencies or blockchain projects that offer block rewards. In contrast, others may pivot their operations to provide services such as hosting or consulting for blockchain-based applications. Ultimately, the future of mining will depend on market demand, innovation, and the development of new incentives for miners to maintain the network.

What happens if Bitcoin miners stop mining?

Bitcoin network would halt, leading to severe consequences for the cryptocurrency market. Miners are responsible for verifying and processing transactions on the Bitcoin network, and without their participation, transactions would no longer be validated or added to the blockchain. As a result, the network would grind to a halt, and Bitcoin would be unable to function as a viable currency. Additionally, the sudden decrease in mining activity could decrease the cost of Bitcoin, as fewer transactions would take place, and the network’s security would be compromised.


How many bitcoins are mined a day?              

Approximately 900 bitcoins are mined each day. However, this number can vary depending on factors such as the difficulty of mining and the total network hash rate. This number will decrease over time due to the predetermined halving of mining rewards built into the Bitcoin protocol.

Is bitcoins supply limited?

Yes, the supply of Bitcoin is limited. Only one will ever exist, 21 million Bitcoins in existence, which is determined by the protocol’s design. This limit ensures scarcity and helps maintain the value of the cryptocurrency.

How many bitcoins are lost?

It’s estimated that around 20% of the total supply of bitcoins, or roughly 4 million bitcoins, are lost or inaccessible due to forgotten passwords, misplaced private keys, or intentional destruction.


Mining all 21 million bitcoins will mark the end of new bitcoin creation, but not the end of the cryptocurrency. Bitcoin’s value will continue to be determined by market demand, and its scarcity may increase over time. As mining rewards diminish, transaction fees may become more significant, incentivizing miners to continue verifying transactions. The future of Bitcoin remains uncertain after all 21 million are mined, but its decentralized nature and popularity make it likely to persist as a digital asset.