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What are the risks of owning crypto?

by | Feb 10, 2023 | Cryptocurrencies | 0 comments

It is crucial to realize that buying, trading, or holding cryptocurrencies are highly speculative and dangerous. All of these pursuits fall within the scope of this rule. No of the kind of investment being addressed, this is true.

To assist you in staying secure and guarding your bitcoin holdings, we will discuss some of the most significant risks that investors encounter. It is being done with the intention of helping you out. It will be done to help ensure your safety and is in your best interests.

Care, Custody And Control 


One of the biggest problems on the market is care, custody, and control. This is funny since cryptocurrencies and digital assets are generally not physical and can’t be seen. There is a real standards war between crypto custodians to see who can offer the best investor protection and asset security levels.

It is similar to the traditional banking industry’s problems with cyber and physical security. Given how often high-profile and high-value crypto heists happen, this playbook of the best security measures is still being made.

 The wealthiest crypto investors are putting their digital assets in sealed vaults and bunkers far away from their homes. Even though not every crypto investor needs or can afford this level of protection, they are all at risk because care, custody and control regulations are still being made. Investors could lose money at first because there is no “floor” to guarantee security and capital, like a cyber Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

Price volatility


Many projects are still in the “explosive price discovery” stage of development. It is because the market for cryptocurrencies is still very new and changing. Because of this, prices have an unusually high level of volatility, which you wouldn’t expect to see in other asset classes.

Other things, like the active and growing crypto community worldwide, also play a role in these fast changes. It is one reason why things change so quickly. Unlike the stock market, the bitcoin market is open every day.

People from all over the world are always looking at the internet and social media for news that might give them an edge and they act on what they find to create great hypes that usually end almost as quickly as it started. People often blame the “information glut” on the rise of the information age.


As both a technology and a market, cryptocurrencies are still in their early stages. Because of this, governments worldwide are looking into how to change their tax rules and instructions to fit different crypto activities.

Because of this, the legal environment can change quickly and it’s sometimes unclear how new and old tax rules apply to various crypto-related activities. When a person buys or sells cryptocurrencies, it is up to that person alone to take care of any tax obligations that may come up. It is essential to know the specific rules and tax guidelines for the area where you live and any upcoming changes to these rules and procedures as they improve over time.

User-side risks

1.   Custody of keys

The private key you generated will verify your identity when you sign and submit a transaction using the funds stored in your bitcoin wallet. Some wallet providers allow users to maintain all private keys at all times, providing complete freedom in creating and managing new wallets. Users may join a third-party wallet service to store their private keys securely. Choosing between a custodial wallet and a non-custodial wallet may be challenging due to the two types’ varying degrees of security and their applications.

When a wallet’s private key is in the hands of its owner, that person may use the wallet’s funds to make purchases. This data must be kept secure at all times. You should probably back up your keys, as your crypto wallet’s software developer recommended. Private keys should never be shared with anybody. Cryptocurrency holders often store their private keys in a hardware wallet, such as those produced by Ledger or Trezor.

2.   Technical complexity and making mistakes

To send cryptocurrency to another person, you’ll need their address. These are given to you in the form of a very long string of letters and numbers. Even the most seasoned computer users sometimes need help manually inputting a recipient’s address or copying and pasting one from another source. Since blockchain transactions are irreversible, there is no way to recover misplaced assets sent to the wrong address.

One easy way to prevent future hassle is to double-check the address before submitting each transfer. It might be more convenient to transmit significant quantities of money in many separate transactions. There may be more excellent prices, but the peace of mind is well worth it. As a result, you will only lose all your money if one of your transactions goes right.

3.   Scammers and hackers

When using the internet and dealing with different online services, it is essential to maintain a high level of digital hygiene at all times. I think it should be necessary to establish secure, one-of-a-kind passwords and, if practical, the use of two-factor authentication. Because skilled cybercriminals can steal your data or take control of your device by exploiting software vulnerabilities, it is essential to keep your software and operating system updated.

Scammers and con artists often direct their attention to cryptocurrency holders and users. I want you to be highly aware of fake websites and phishing emails that claim to be from legitimate sources. Every respectable crypto asset issuer or service provider would only ask for your private keys or passwords. It is especially vital to be wary of false websites.


4.   Cyber Risks On All Sides 

As with cyber dangers, which advance by Moore’s law, the distance between the keyboard and the chair (or the smartphone and the digital wallet) is just as essential as the cyber hygiene and defenses of the crypto custodian. In theory, the bitcoin blockchain is one of the most cyber-resilient technologies.

However, the businesses that plug into it, like other cryptocurrencies, are often new entrants with insufficient cybersecurity standards and few resources.

According to this metric, not all digital currencies are created equal regarding their degrees of trust, fiduciary duty, and transaction ledger. For this reason, hazards as basic as “strange disappearance” and as complicated as ransomware attacks and AI-powered bots combing the internet for weak connections and easy victims are complex and fast-moving perils.

Protocol/service-side risks

m1. Smart contract risk

Using innovative contract platforms like Ethereum, developers can construct applications executed on the blockchain independently of any supervision from a centralized entity. It indicates that any individual is capable of publishing an intelligent contract. Because of the programming language used, Solidity enables the same logic as any other framework; developers can construct whatever they can imagine.

When interacting with smart contracts, it is essential to remember that blockchain technology involves a lot of complicated concepts. As a result, there are many opportunities for developers to make mistakes or for bad actors to include deceptive or malicious code that aims to steal your funds. Keep this in mind at all times.

Using a blockchain explorer like etherscan, it is feasible for technically inclined individuals to go through the source code of smart contracts and understand precisely what is taking place.

2. Centralization and governance risk

Blockchains and cryptocurrencies may be distributed ledgers, but the companies that make them may not be. It means that for some cryptocurrency projects, we still trust a third party to make the best decisions for the project.

Tether (USDT) and Binance Coin (BNB) are successful projects where token holders have no say in how the project is run or governed. If everything else stays the same, developers will want their project to do as well as possible. But there are times when team members’ self-interests clash, or they attack the network on purpose.

Mismanagement is a common problem in cryptocurrency since most projects need work from several departments, like marketing, community support, development, research and development. It’s possible that a project won’t meet its development milestones, delivery deadlines, or general community expectations, making the result less valuable.

3. Mark to market

When investors want to diversify their portfolios away from volatile cryptocurrencies, the U.S. dollar is often the currency of choice. Consequently, many crypto purists loathe the dollar. Newcomers to the cryptocurrency market motivated by “animal spirits” and a desire to ride the speculative wave are ideal candidates for price pegs since they are prepared to pay the set price.

When investors sell their holdings in a particular asset class, the “mark to market” function often has the unanticipated impact of causing prices to decline. The difficulties associated with restricted liquidity, few exits, and minimal participation are highlighted. The number of marketplaces and trade venues continues to rise.

 Attracting more institutional investors is beneficial for resolving such issues. Remember that high-frequency traders are leery of cryptocurrencies due to their volatility and inability to be converted into other currencies. To appreciate the possibilities of blockchain technology, one must exercise trust. Those who depend on traditional economic indicators need to understand the concept of investing in bitcoin.

4. Civil Wars With Forks 

While much crypto wealth is concentrated in the hands of optimistic individuals about the long-term impact this asset class can have on the world, the constant threat of civil wars and forks threatens to split the consensus on cryptocurrencies, diminishing their market share, valuation, and adoption.

Bitcoin Cash’s release is the next volley in this continuing standards war. Despite crypto-utopians’ claims of a world ruled by blind scalable trust and no centralized authorities, it is noteworthy that councils of large crypto holders can steer the market, influencing outcomes and price fluctuations in a manner comparable to a papal conclave or the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). As it would be in the real world when whales migrate, smaller fish are susceptible to bigger ones.

Bottom Line

Participating in the crypto market might put you at risk for new hazards; nonetheless, many believe that cryptocurrencies can give advantages over more traditional forms of financial infrastructure. A large number of individuals think that users and businesses located all over the world will keep expanding their utilization of blockchain technology over the course of the next few years. It will assist in bringing about a more stable and secure market for cryptos by reducing the amount of uncertainty in the market.

 For the time being, the most significant action you can take is to educate yourself, practice good digital hygiene, and exercise control over the hazards to which other users expose themselves. It may not be easy to adhere to security best practices while keeping up with current advancements and efficiently managing a cryptocurrency portfolio. Both of these objectives might require more work to achieve simultaneously.