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9 Ways to Make Money with Bitcoin

With the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin, people are increasingly exploring ways to make money with it. Bitcoin, a decentralized digital currency, has several advantages, including being fast, secure, and cost-effective. There are ways to make money with Bitcoin, from buying and holding it for long-term gains to trading it on exchanges and earning interest through lending platforms. Stay here; I will discuss nine ways to make money with Bitcoin, providing insights into each method’s potential risks and rewards.

9 Ways to make money with bitcoin [ Proven ways]

1.      Mining Bitcoin

Mining Bitcoin is a process of earning rewards by contributing computational power to validate transactions on the Bitcoin network. The rewards are in the form of newly minted bitcoins. The Bitcoin network is designed to have a finite number of bitcoins in circulation, with a maximum limit of 21 million bitcoins. As the mining rewards decrease over time, mining becomes more challenging and requires specialized hardware and software.

Mining can be profitable if done correctly. However, it also involves significant expenses like hardware, electricity, and maintenance fees. The mining profitability depends on several factors, such as the price of bitcoin, the cost of mining equipment and electricity, and the mining difficulty. In recent years, the mining difficulty has increased significantly, making it harder for individual miners to earn rewards. According to CoinDesk, the average mining reward for a single block in February 2021 was 6.25 bitcoins, worth around $290,000 at the current market price.

2.      Trading Bitcoin

Trading Bitcoin involves buying and selling bitcoins on various cryptocurrency exchanges. Traders can profit by buying bitcoin at a low price and selling it when the price increases. However, trading requires knowledge of market trends, analysis tools, and risk management strategies. Bitcoin’s price can be highly volatile, and traders must be cautious of market fluctuations.

Many cryptocurrency exchanges offer trading tools like charts and technical indicators to help traders analyze the market. Some exchanges also provide leverage, allowing traders to borrow funds to trade with, amplifying their potential profits and increasing their potential losses. Traders should know all risks associated with leverage trading and only invest what they can afford to lose. According to CoinMarketCap, the total trading volume of bitcoin in the last 24 hours was around $61 billion, indicating high demand for bitcoin trading.

3.      Investing in Bitcoin

Investing in Bitcoin is similar to traditional investments, where investors can buy and hold bitcoin for an extended period, hoping its value will increase. Bitcoin growth significantly increases in recent years, with its price reaching an all-time high of $64,863 in April 2021. Investors can also receive dividends or other passive income from holding bitcoin. Some companies offer bitcoin-based investment products, such as exchange-traded funds (ETFs), allowing investors to gain exposure to bitcoin without holding the cryptocurrency directly.

However, bitcoin investment carries market volatility and security risks associated with holding cryptocurrency. Bitcoin’s price can be highly volatile, and investors must be prepared for every possibility of losing a significant amount of money. Additionally, several hacked cryptocurrency exchanges resulted in investors losing their holdings. According to a survey by Bankrate, 44% of Americans do not plan to invest in cryptocurrency because of security concerns. Despite the risks of using bitcoin, many investors are attracted to bitcoin’s potential for high returns and diversification benefits.

4.      Accepting Bitcoin as Payment

One widely used way to make money with bitcoin is by accepting it as payment for goods and services. By accepting bitcoin, business owners can expand their customer base to individuals who prefer using cryptocurrencies to traditional payment methods. Additionally, accepting bitcoin can save businesses money on payment processing fees charged by credit card companies and other payment processors. While accepting bitcoin as payment is relatively easy, business owners must also take precautions to protect their Bitcoin wallet from cyber attacks. This may involve using a secure wallet and advanced security measures such as two-factor authentication.

According to a report by, over 2.3 million businesses worldwide accept bitcoin as payment, including Microsoft, AT&T, and Additionally, some businesses have reported significant savings on payment processing fees by accepting bitcoin. For example, in 2017, the online retailer reported savings of over $1 million in payment processing fees by accepting bitcoin. Accepting bitcoin as payment can be a cost-effective and convenient way for businesses to reach a wider customer base and save money on payment processing fees.

5.      Bitcoin Faucets

Bitcoin faucets are websites or apps that give out small amounts of bitcoin for free. Users can earn bitcoin by completing small tasks like watching ads or filling out surveys. While the amount earned through bitcoin faucets is small, it can increase over time. However, users should be aware that some bitcoin faucets may be scams and should research before participating in any faucets.

According to a report by Cointelegraph, the amount earned through bitcoin faucets can vary widely, with some faucets offering as little as 1 satoshi (0.00000001 BTC) per claim, while others offer larger payouts of up to 10,000 satoshis (0.0001 BTC) per claim. Additionally, some faucets have withdrawal limits, meaning users may have to accumulate some bitcoin before withdrawing their earnings. While bitcoin faucets may not be a significant source of income, they can be a fun and easy way for users to earn small amounts of bitcoin and learn more about the cryptocurrency.

6.      Bitcoin Freelancing

Freelancers can earn bitcoin by offering their services and accepting bitcoin as payment. By accepting bitcoin, freelancers can work with clients from anywhere worldwide and avoid payment processing fees charged by traditional payment methods. However, finding clients willing to pay in bitcoin may be challenging, and freelancers may need to market themselves to a niche audience of cryptocurrency enthusiasts.

According to a report by Coindesk, several online platforms connect freelancers with clients willing to pay in bitcoin, including BitGigs, CryptoGrind, and XBTFreelancer. Additionally, some traditional freelance platforms, such as Upwork, have added bitcoin as a payment option. While accepting bitcoin as payment can offer freelancers more flexibility and potentially save them money on payment processing fees, they must also be aware of the risks associated with holding and using cryptocurrency. This may include implementing security measures to protect their Bitcoin wallet from cyber attacks and fluctuations in the value of bitcoin.

7.      Bitcoin Affiliate Programs

Bitcoin affiliate programs offer individuals a chance to earn commissions by referring new customers to businesses that accept bitcoin. To participate in these programs, an individual signs up for the affiliate program and promotes the business to their audience using a unique referral link. The affiliate earns a commission when a new customer purchases through the link. The commission can be paid in bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, depending on the affiliate program’s terms.

One of the benefits of bitcoin affiliate programs is that they offer individuals an opportunity to earn bitcoin without investing their own money. Additionally, bitcoin affiliate programs can be a great way to earn passive income for those with an established audience or social media following. However, finding legitimate bitcoin affiliate programs can be challenging as there are many scams in the cryptocurrency space. It’s essential to thoroughly research a program before participating and to choose reputable businesses to promote.

8.      Bitcoin Lending

Bitcoin lending is a way for investors to earn interest on their bitcoin holdings by lending them to borrowers. Borrowers can use the funds to invest in their projects or for personal use, and they pay interest on the loan. Lenders can earn passive income from the interest earned on their loans. However, lending carries risks such as default risk and counterparty risk. The lenders may lose their investment if a borrower defaults on the Bitcoin loan.


One of the benefits of bitcoin lending is that it can offer a higher return than traditional savings accounts or other low-risk investments. However, it’s essential to research lending platforms and borrowers before investing. It’s also important to only invest funds that can afford to lose. Some popular bitcoin lending platforms include BlockFi, Celsius, and Nexo. These platforms offer varying interest rates and terms, so it’s essential to compare and choose the one that best fits an individual’s financial goals and risk tolerance.

9.      Bitcoin Staking

Bitcoin staking involves holding bitcoin in a wallet and contributing to validating transactions on the network. This process helps to secure the network and maintain its integrity. In return, stakers can earn rewards through newly minted bitcoin. However, staking requires specialized software and can be expensive, and the staking rewards decrease over time. Staking is typically done through specialized staking wallets or cryptocurrency exchanges offering staking services.

One of the benefits of bitcoin staking is that it allows individuals to earn passive income on their bitcoin holdings without actively trading or investing. Additionally, staking helps to secure the bitcoin network, which is vital for the long-term success of the cryptocurrency. However, it’s essential to research staking wallets and exchanges before choosing one to ensure they are reputable and secure. Some popular staking wallets include Ledger, Trezor, and Exodus, while popular exchanges that offer staking services include Binance, Kraken, and Coinbase.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I earn 1 Bitcoin in one day?

Earning 1 Bitcoin daily is difficult, and there is no guaranteed way to achieve it. However, some options include trading cryptocurrencies, mining, and freelancing for Bitcoin. It’s essential to be aware of each method’s risks, costs, and research before investing time or money.

Can I make $100 a day from Bitcoin?

Making $100 a day with Bitcoin is possible, but it’s not guaranteed or easy.  Profitability on bitcoin depends on various factors such as the price of Bitcoin, mining difficulty, and equipment and electricity costs. Additionally, trading and investing in Bitcoin also carry risks and require knowledge and experience to be successful.

How long can I earn 1 Bitcoin?

The time it takes to earn 1 Bitcoin depends on various factors, such as the mining hardware used, the current difficulty level of the Bitcoin network, and the cost of electricity. It could range from several months to several years or more.

How many Bitcoin are released in the market every 10 minutes?


Approximately every 10 minutes, a new block of Bitcoin transactions is added to the blockchain, and the miner who successfully adds the block is rewarded with a set amount of Bitcoin. The reward is 6.25 Bitcoin per block, expected to halve approximately every four years.


There are several proven ways to make money with Bitcoin, ranging from simple methods, such as buying and holding the cryptocurrency, to more complex strategies, such as mining and trading. It’s essential to understand the risks and benefits associated with each method and choose the one that best aligns with your goals and risk tolerance. With proper research and careful execution, Bitcoin can be a lucrative investment opportunity. However, as with any investment, it’s essential to exercise caution and never invest more than you can afford to lose.