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How many Bitcoins are left to be Mined? Total Minted Bitcoin Supply

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that runs on a decentralized system, meaning any central authority does not control it. Unlike traditional currencies, a finite amount of Bitcoin can be created. This raises the question, how many Bitcoins are left to be mined? As of 2021, over 18 million Bitcoins have been mined, leaving approximately 3 million Bitcoins to be mined. Keep reading; I will delve into the total minted Bitcoin supply, how new Bitcoins are created, and the potential impact of reaching the maximum supply.

What is the Bitcoin’s mining process?

Bitcoin mining is verifying transactions and adding them to the blockchain ledger. Miners are incentivized to do this by receiving newly minted bitcoins and transaction fees. The mining process is a crucial component of the Bitcoin network and ensures the integrity and security of the system.

·        Verifying Transactions

When a Bitcoin transaction is made, it is broadcasted to the network. Miners then use specialized software to verify the transaction by solving a complex mathematical puzzle. Once a miner solves the puzzle, the transaction is confirmed and added to the blockchain.

·        Creating New Bitcoins

In addition to verifying transactions, miners are responsible for creating new bitcoins. Approximately every 10 minutes, a new block of transactions is added to the blockchain, and the miner who solves the mathematical puzzle associated with that block is rewarded with new bitcoins. This reward is currently 6.25 bitcoins per block, halved every 210,000 blocks.

·        Difficulty Adjustment

 The difficulty of the mathematical puzzle that miners must solve is adjusted every 2016 block or approximately every two weeks. This adjustment ensures that the rate of new blocks added to the blockchain remains consistent, regardless of the number of miners on the network.

·        Mining Pools

 Due to the high level of competition among miners, many choose to join mining pools. Mining pools are collections of miners who cooperate and split the spoils of clearing blocks. This gives individual miners a better chance of receiving a reward, as the pool’s combined computing power increases the likelihood of solving the mathematical puzzle.

What is the total mined Bitcoin supply?

Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer digital money that operates independently of a centralized authority. The restricted supply of Bitcoin is one of its fundamental characteristics, which is programmed to a maximum of 21 million bitcoins. This limit is enforced by the Bitcoin protocol, the software that powers the Bitcoin network.

As of April 2023, the total mined Bitcoin supply is approximately 18.8 million bitcoins. This means over 89% of the total supply has already been mined. The mining process entails resolving challenging mathematical puzzles to validate network transactions and add them to the blockchain. The public ledger that records all Bitcoin transactions.

The rate of new Bitcoin creation gradually decreases over time due to the halving mechanism. This means that for every 210,000 blocks, the reward for mining new Bitcoin is halved. Currently, 6.25 bitcoins are awarded for mining a new block, down from 50 when the network started. The halving mechanism is designed to gradually decrease the rate of new Bitcoin creation until the maximum supply of 21 million is reached, which is expected around the year 2140.

How Many Bitcoins Are Left to Be Mined?

Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency with a limited supply of 21 million coins. This means that no more new coins will be generated once all 21 million Bitcoins have been mined. Approximately 18.9 million Bitcoins are currently in circulation, leaving only 2.1 million Bitcoins left to be mined.

By design, Satoshi Nakamoto, the anonymous creator of Bitcoin, limited the total number of coins available to 21 million. This decision was made to ensure that the currency would have a limited supply and avoid inflation caused by an unlimited number of coins being created. Bitcoin’s supply is controlled by its algorithm, which reduces the block rewards given to miners who successfully verify transactions on the network approximately every four years. This process is known as halving and is scheduled for every 210,000 blocks.

Based on the current minting rate, the final Bitcoin will be mined in 2140. However, it is essential to note that this projection is subject to change as the minting rate can fluctuate due to various factors. These factors include changes in mining difficulty, the number of miners on the network, and the price of Bitcoin.

What are the implications of the Bitcoin supply?

Below are the top 8 implications of the Bitcoins supply:

  1. Limited Supply

 The maximum supply of Bitcoin is fixed at 21 million, which means only 21 million BTC can ever exist. This limited supply makes Bitcoin unique compared to other traditional currencies like USD or EUR, which have an infinite supply. As the supply is limited, Bitcoin cannot be inflated by a central authority, ensuring it maintains its value over time.

  1. Deflationary

The deflationary nature of Bitcoin is due to the decreasing supply and increasing demand, which leads to value growth. The fixed amount of Bitcoin in circulation means a central authority or government cannot manipulate it, and its value is determined by market demand. Bitcoin’s scarcity and deflationary nature make it an attractive investment option for many individuals.

  1. Store of Value

 The limited supply of Bitcoin can make it a store of value, similar to gold or other precious metals. As the supply of Bitcoin is limited, it cannot be diluted, and its value is expected to hold over time. This feature makes Bitcoin an attractive option for individuals looking to store their wealth over the long term. Additionally, as Bitcoin is a decentralized currency, it is not subject to government manipulation, making it an excellent option for individuals who want to protect their assets.

  1. Increased Demand

The limited supply of 21 million bitcoins means that the price per BTC can increase as demand increases. This is because only a finite number of coins are available, and if more people want to buy Bitcoin, the price will go up. This relationship between supply and demand drives the price of Bitcoin in the market. If the demand for Bitcoin continues to increase, it could lead to higher prices and greater adoption.

  1. Speculation

The limited supply of Bitcoin drives speculation and volatility in the market. Investors may buy Bitcoin as a speculative investment, hoping to sell it for a higher price. This can lead to market bubbles and crashes, as seen in the past. Volatility can be high, as market sentiment or news changes cause rapid price movements. Speculation and volatility can be risky for investors and provide profit opportunities.

  1. Mining Rewards

 Bitcoin miners receive rewards in the form of newly created BTC for solving complex mathematical problems. However, roughly every four years, these rewards decrease with each halving event. This reduces the rate at which new coins are added to the circulating supply. As a result, the supply growth is limited over time, which can positively affect the price of Bitcoin.

  1. Potentially Higher Fees

 As the supply of Bitcoin is limited, there is a potential for higher transaction fees. If the demand for Bitcoin exceeds the available supply, transaction fees may increase to incentivize miners to process transactions. This can make using Bitcoin more expensive, particularly during high demand. However, higher fees can also increase security, making it more difficult for attackers to spam the network with fraudulent transactions.

  1. Security

 The limited supply of Bitcoin enhances its security, preventing inflation or manipulation by central authorities. Creating new coins or devaluing existing ones is impossible with a fixed supply. This makes Bitcoin a scarce asset that is resistant to inflation. Additionally, the decentralized nature of the network means that no single entity has control over the supply, making it difficult for governments or other authorities to manipulate the market.


What is the current total minted supply of Bitcoin?

The current total minted supply of Bitcoin is approximately 18.9 million as of April 2023.

When will the last Bitcoin be mined?

According to current block creation rates, the final Bitcoin will likely be mined in 2140.

What happens when all Bitcoins are mined?

When all Bitcoins are mined, the miners will no longer receive block rewards for validating transactions. Instead, they will earn transaction fees, which are already a significant source of income for miners. The scarcity of Bitcoin may also increase its value and make it more appealing as a store of value.

Can the total supply of Bitcoin be increased in the future?

No, the total supply of Bitcoin is fixed at 21 million, and the protocol does not allow for any increase in this limit. One of the best characteristics of Bitcoin that makes it a valuable and scarce asset is this.


The total quantity of bitcoins that will ever exist is 21 million, and approximately 18.7 million have already been mined. This means only about 2.3 million bitcoins are left to be mined. The mining process becomes more complex and resource-intensive as the number of circulating bitcoins increases, making it more challenging for miners to earn rewards. As a result, bitcoin’s scarcity and finite supply are key factors contributing to its value and appeal as an investment.