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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Blockchain Technology

by | Feb 10, 2023 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Blockchains are distributed ledgers owned and managed by the users on a network of computers. Transactions and other data can be stored in a blockchain, which is a digital database.

Through the use of blockchain technology, the data blocks can be linked together to form a chain. Each filled cube has a finite capacity and can only be filled to its next neighbor’s. Once a new block is complete, it is appended to the chain and contains all of the data that has been added since the last block.

Everyone knows that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency systems couldn’t function without blockchain. A decentralized, auditable ledger of crypto transactions is maintained. Since no trusted third party is required to verify or store blockchain data, its accuracy and security are guaranteed.

Advantages Of Blockchain Over Non-Blockchain Database


  1. Immutability.

When information is recorded on a blockchain, it cannot be changed once it has been created. In this way, the blockchain makes internal data manipulation impossible.

Conventional documentation can be altered. The traditional database relies on the CRUD (create, read, update, delete) model to ensure proper application operation and simplify data deletion and replacement. A malicious administrator or hacker could easily manipulate such data.

  1. Transparency.

Due to the decentralized nature of the blockchain, any node in the network can verify transactions. Due to this, people can have faith in the system.

In opposition to this, a traditional centralized database hides information from its users. Only a subset of the data is made publicly available, and users are prohibited from performing random checks. The issue is that there currently needs to be a way for individuals to verify the information independently.

 3. Censorship.

Blockchain information cannot be censored because no single entity controls it. The result is a system that cannot be tampered with by any entity.

Instead, traditional databases are run by a single organization with complete control over user access and can therefore censor data at will. As an example, banks can put a hold on deposit accounts.

  1. Traceability.

 Blockchain technology creates an unalterable audit trail that can be used to identify the origin of a tampered change.

Nonetheless, due to the need for more openness and immutability in traditional databases, there is no guarantee of a fair trial.

  1. Decentralization.

This is the key benefit of blockchain technology. The main advantage is that validation times are significantly reduced because no other instance needs to act as a middleman when authenticating transactions or operations.

  1. Network distribution.

This has many benefits, not the least: no single party can lay claim to the distributed network, and that data can be duplicated and stored in different places.

As a result of this feature, the network is more resilient and stable, as the failure of a single node does not necessarily reflect problems experienced by other users.

  1. Data Integrity.

No blocks or transactions added to the chain can be changed, which is why blockchain technologies provide such a high level of security.

8. Distributed

Due to the decentralized nature of the data storage in a blockchain, it is resilient to technical failures and malicious attacks. Every node in the network would still have access to the database as long as a copy was stored there.

9. Open.

One of the greatest strengths of blockchain technology is that anyone can contribute to it. The decentralized network is open to anyone who wants to join it.

 10. No third-party interference.

 Cryptocurrencies built on the blockchain are uncontrolled by a single entity. This ensures that the value of money is independent of any one government.

 11. Safe transactions.

The blockchain maintains an immutable record of all transactions that cannot be changed or altered in any way. Both parties and the public have access to a transaction’s details. Thus, you can feel secure about making purchases on the internet.

 12. Instant transactions.

 A person can make virtual purchases with crypto to finish a series of investments. A transaction can be finalized in minutes. This is exemplified by the transfer of funds between two bank accounts.

 13. Low Operational Cost.

By eliminating the need for expensive centralized servers to process transactions, a blockchain helps businesses save money. By using a blockchain, financial dealings can be made without the involvement of a centralized institution like a bank or a payment processor. As a result of the network’s seamless operation, no human involvement is required during either the contracting or transacting phases.

 14. Prevents Double Spending.

Bitcoin transactions are recorded in blockchains, distributed public ledgers verified cryptographically by the vast majority of nodes in a network. New transactions can always be verified through consensus in a blockchain because the distributed database records all previous transactions.

Disadvantages Of Blockchain

  1. Speed and performance.

 Blockchain uses cryptographic signatures to guarantee the integrity of a financial exchange. Blockchain uses consensus mechanisms similar to other transaction verification systems. Multiple approaches exist for facilitating group consensus. Each node is required to perform an essential role in verifying and storing transactions.

  1. High implementation cost.

 The cost of using blockchain technology is higher than traditional database management systems. Integrating blockchain into existing business procedures also necessitates thorough planning and execution.

  1. Data modification.

The information is recorded on a blockchain without a lengthy, expensive, and time-consuming process of rewriting the codes in each block. The feature has a downside: it is difficult to make modifications or correct errors.

  1. Power Use.

The Blockchain’s energy consumption is heavily skewed toward mining activities. Creating a new node requires it to communicate instantly with all the other nodes in the network, which adds to the overall drain because it helps maintain a real-time ledger.

  1. Cost.

Cryptographic transactions are very energy intensive. There is little hope that this issue will be resolved through technological means. On the other hand, intractable energy issues may be masking the storage problem.

  1. Immaturity.

As a relatively new technology (only been around for a few years now), blockchain has yet to gain widespread acceptance. Despite the success of various blockchain applications in multiple industries, they have yet to be willing to invest. Although it needs the confidence of more people before it can reach its full potential, that confidence is gradually being earned.

 7. Taking up a great deal of time

To add the following block to the chain, miners must repeatedly compute nonce values, a time-consuming process that needs to be sped up before it can be used in industrial settings.

8. Legal Process

The issuance and control of modern currency is a prerogative of national governments everywhere in the world. In this way, Bitcoin is challenged by more conventional monetary systems.

  1. Elimination of Errors.

 In a P2P network, the application must be updated on every node, or the network will fork into two groups of users.

  1. Network Robustness for Dedicated Purposes.

Every application runs on some sort of business logic. The justification determines the bare minimum features needed in new enterprise software. Adjustments to a company’s structure are warranted for it to function with blockchain, as the technology employs a strict logic that prevents redesign without sacrificing benefits.

  1. Difficulty of Development.

To ensure consensus and scalability, it is essential to implement complex protocols early on. Building a prototype that works and hoping to scale it later without redeploying the network or splitting off a new branch is unrealistic.

  1. Inefficient.

 Blockchains may be more efficient than other systems, especially those that use Proof of Work, because of how competitive mining is. Only one person is ever successful in ten minutes.

  1. Storage.

Ledgers stored in a blockchain system can grow very large over time. The current Bitcoin blockchain requires roughly 200 GB of storage space. If the blockchain ledger continues to grow too large for individual download and storage at their own pace, nodes may abandon the network.

  1. Scalability.

Due to the fixed size of the data storage block, blockchain technology could be more robust in its scalability. The 1 MB block size limits the number of transactions completed in one confirmation.


A two-edged sword

At least two of the characteristics of the Blockchain network can be viewed in opposite ways, creating a potential double-edged sword that can be used either for or against the widespread adoption and implementation of this technology.

Immutability of information.

Errors are possible in blockchain technology because of its imperfect nature; however, the immutability of the data stored in the blocks presents a significant challenge in this regard.


However, most users see anonymity as a benefit because it increases their trust in the Blockchain network to verify transactions between users reliably. Unfortunately, criminals have taken advantage of this feature because it is impossible to trace individual transactions.

It has presented and will continue to offer some difficulties throughout its development because it is a disruptive technology still evolving. It is essential to be aware of these pros and cons before this trend of massive adoption of Blockchain technology.


The advantages and disadvantages of blockchain technology were examined. The cutting-edge technology eliminates the need for a centralized server during data transmission and storage. It has some problems, but it can overcome time and effort. Blockchain technology is because of its distributed ledger capabilities

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What are the Advantages of Blockchain Technology? 

There is a great deal of potential good and evil in blockchain technology. Its advantages, such as security, adaptability, verifiability, and immutability, outweigh its drawbacks.


  1. What are the Disadvantages of Blockchain Technology?

Blockchain technology has many potential advantages, but it also has some potential drawbacks that must be worked out. There are several drawbacks to using blockchain technology, such as the fact that it still needs to be fully scalable, the fact that it is energy-intensive, and the fact that users cannot remain completely anonymous because the ledger is public. Transactions can be traced, and the fact that collective validation of transactions slows things down.


  1. What is the biggest problem with blockchain technology?

While blockchain technology shows great promise, it still needs to gain the necessary scalability to meet the demands of a truly global market. But progress has been made in this regard.


  1. Are there ways to break into the Blockchain? 

Despite their security, blockchains can be compromised by more sophisticated attacks like the 51% attack, in which hackers control more than half of the network’s resources. The distributed nature of the blockchain means that no single entity can control the network.